Welcome to the world of the Grecian Sands Hotel! With 174 comfortably furnished rooms, the hotel has 4 stars. The hotel is pleased to provide car rental for its visitors. Just ask the knowledgeable staff at the reception for details. The hotel can alaways provide an extra bed and the children will have an enjoyable time in our well-equipped play area. The hotel parking is available at all times. Stay current using the quick internet connection provided by the hotel. Your business doesn't stop just because you're away from the office that's why we cater to business visitors' needs on our up to date business floor. Our knowledgeable reception staff will be pleased to place your valuable items in the hotel strong box. Enjoy a wholesome meal from our room service and use the punctual wake-up service in the morning. There is quick internet access in every lovely hotel room. There are homey non-smoking rooms available in the hotel. All of the hotel's homey rooms have en-suite facilities and a balcony. Keep up with current events with the TV and telephone in your room in the hotel. You can forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life by making use of our wide range of soothing massages and treatments. Stay cool and current using the internet access and air conditioning provided in every room in the hotel. A safe, a desk, and a radio can be found in all our rooms. All rooms in the hotel are provided with a well-stocked minibar and hairdryer as well as tea and coffee-making facilities. Relax with a beauty treatment in the hotel. The hotel has a luxurious jacuzzi for its visitors to enjoy. Take a gentle ride around the area on one of the hotel's rental bicycles. Many treatments are on offer. The outdoor pool offers exercise to our sporty guests and relaxation to others. Our visitors appreciate the modern fitness room and indoor pool. The homey hotel has a sauna and steambath for the use of its visitors. Many of the hotel's visitors enjoy getting together in the hotel's pleasant pub at the end of the day. The hotel has its own cafe-bistro. Talk about your day with friends and family in the evening in the hotel bar. All kinds of delicacies are served in the hotel's restaurant (with an al fresco dining area) - please do not hesitate to enquire about specialities for vegetarians and diabetics too.