No matter if you are a business or leisure traveller, in the Hotel Café Nothnagel, in Griesheim close to Darmstadt, you will find the ideal starting point for your activities. The hotel offers a pleasant stay in very well-equipped guest rooms. The 31 rooms, 22 of which are single and 9 are double bedrooms, all feature shower, toilet, mini bar, radio, TV and telephone. The air-conditioning allows you to adjust the room temperature individually. Enjoy the mornings with a balanced breakfast served at the table. Fresh, flavoursome rolls and hot coffee as well as a generous additional buffet resemble a good start to the day. The large recreation area is easily accessible by lift. Here, you can relax with fitness equipment or in the sauna and pool after an exhausting day or journey. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 05:30 to 20:30 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 14:00 .