We would like to gladly welcome you to the Courtyard Topeka. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Marriott family you can be confident that all of your needs will fulfilled. The hotel has lots of parking spaces available. You can receive a daily newspaper for free. Make yourself at home Guests of this hotel may find it convenient to use the lift to the upper floors. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. Enjoy a pleasant evening in our restaurant while you are with us. Where you will stay Each and every guest enjoys the kettle ideal for preparing a cup of coffee in the morning, the easy-to-use air conditioner, the hand-held blow-dryer as well as the television (cable) that are found in each and every hotel room. Desks are available in our rooms. We supply rooms with an easy-to-use telephone. While relaxing in your room you can turn on the radio and listen to some tunes. For your convenience our hotel provides a microwave in each of its rooms. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer. Among its other facilities, the hotel also provides a jacuzzi!