Our entire crew would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Hotel Domus. At our hotel there are parking spaces for your car and also secure parking for bikes and motorbikes. Free for you Guest will receive a complimentary bottle of water upon check-in. Make yourself at home We offer you a strong box for the storage of your important documents, money or jewellery while you are staying in our hotel. Our elevator is available to take you to the upper floors of the well-appointed hotel. We have video surveillance in our lobby. The dining room is proud to offer its delectable dishes also on the inviting patio. Where you will stay Those staying in our hotel enjoy the AC, the useful blow-dryer as well as the minibar full of delicious goodies available in every single room. Conveniences, for instance an office desk, a radio, a blow-dryer as well as a strong box, are provided in all our rooms. Satellite TV is a standard comfort available in our hotel rooms. Pay TV is provided in every room. Our visitors enjoy the fact that international newspaper await them in their room. A convenient telephone is included in each and every room. You will find a refrigerator in each of our hotel rooms. Hotel rooms come equipped with coffee making equipment. The bathrooms all have windows in them. For your convenience, we have a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer located in our bathrooms. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .